Weekly: Attend den and pack meetings to collect payments for dues, shirts, camps
Deposit payments
Update ledgers and accounts
Prepare Income Statement or Statement of Accounts for the ScoutParent meeting; post statement to 'Treasurer Records' in the private site
Reconcile bank statement with accounts
April / May: Develop budget for next scouting year based on income and expenses and Ideal Year of Scouting plans
August: Close out prior scouting year and create new years books
September: Invoice current and new scouts for dues; encourage applications for scholarships
October: Follow up with non-current scout accounts
December: Collect Camp Deposits. Encourage families to apply for camperships.
January: Work with Committee Chair, Cubmaster on Recharter payment and paperwork
February: Collect Camp final payments
March: Work with Asst Cubmaster to define costs for Ideal Year of Scouting