I signed up to be a Boy Scout, but I heard there are other age-appropriate programs. What are they?
Venturing is a youth development program of the Boy Scouts of America
for young men and women ages 13 (and have completed eighth grade) or 14
through 20.
Venturing's purpose is to provide positive experiences to help young
people mature and to prepare them to become responsible and caring
Venturing is based on a unique and dynamic relationship between
youth, adult leaders, and organizations in their communities. Local
community organizations establish a Venturing crew by matching their
people and program resources to the interests of young people in the
community. The result is a program of exciting and meaningful activities
that helps youth pursue their special interests, grow, develop
leadership skills, and become good citizens.
How often will I meet with the other Scouts?
Boy Scouts meet in a patrol once each week at their troop meeting.
Beyond that, it depends on the patrol and troop. A troop may hold a
special activity, such as a service project or outdoor experience, in
place of one of the weekly meetings or in addition to the weekly
What is the responsibility of a parent of a new Boy Scout?
Boy Scout patrol and troop meetings are intended to be an activity
for you. They are not a family activity, and the presence of parents can
be a distraction. However, parental involvement is not forbidden. If
your parent or guardian would like to be present at a troop meeting, ask
your Scoutmaster in advance so the leader can plan a way for your
parent or guardian to observe or participate. There are always ways for
your parent or guardian to be involved, such as reviewing the handbook
with you to help you earn your next rank.
Tell me about the leaders and how they are selected.
All Scouting units are chartered to a local organization. The
chartered organization serves as a sponsor of Scouting and is
essentially the owner/operator of the Scouting unit. In this role, the
head of the organization approves all adult volunteer leaders. All
leaders are required to take our child safety course called “Youth
Protection,” and specific training for their role in Scouting is
available either online or in a classroom setting. To help the
organization maintain a quality program, there is a person assigned to
be a liaison between the unit and the chartered organization. In
addition, every unit has a committee (typically made up of Scouting
parents) that oversees proper operation and ensures a safe and fun
What supplies and equipment are needed?
The single most important piece of equipment you will need is the Boy Scout Handbook. A local Scout shop is the best place to buy a handbook, and the staff there can guide you to get exactly what you need. Find your local Scout shop.
The uniform is also very important as it plays an essential role in
creating a sense of belonging, and it’s where a Scout gets to display
his awards and rank achievements. Check out the interactive uniform
builder at www.bsauniforms.org. When you’re ready, you can order online, or get the address of your local Scout shop and then head on over and shop in person.
Additional supplies and equipment may be needed for certain
activities such as camping trips or field days. What equipment is
needed, as well as whether it will be provided by your troop, will vary.
Unit leaders will provide you with information about any required
supplies at the beginning of each program year. It is important to note
that the annual registration fee to be a member of any BSA program is
only $24. However, most units will require additional fees to cover the
cost of certain activities and program supplies. Your leader can explain
all the details about the unit’s annual fee and exactly what it
includes. We are confident you will find the value of the program
exceeds the typical fees charged.
Is Scouting safe?
Yes. The BSA knows that a safe environment and program for every boy
is important, and that is why we have designed our programs to follow a
strict set of rules and policies that can be found in our Guide to Safe Scouting.
We also require every registered adult in Scouting to complete our
Youth Protection training course and a criminal background check. If you
would like to know more about Scouting’s Youth Protection program, click here.
Whom do I call for help?
Your patrol leader is your first resource if you have any questions.
You can then have a discussion with your senior patrol leader and then
finally your Scoutmaster.
What’s next?
If you have not already received a calendar of activities with
scheduled meeting dates and times, contact your patrol leader or senior
patrol leader at your next troop meeting. If you’re still hungry for
more information, click here to browse our full website, which is loaded with great tools and resources.